Built to Blog Review

Built to Blog Review
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    In today’s digital world, blogging is considered a popular form of self-expression.
    Blogging, however, requires thought and effort. It is not as simple as typing on your keyboard and being finished.

    Online blogging courses are available to help individuals navigate the complicated process of blogging.

    Deciding on the best blogging course online can be challenging. Let me help ease your course-searching process with my comprehensive review of the top blogging courses.

    Will you provide positive feedback for any of these programs, or will you have a negative reaction by the end of this article? What are your thoughts?

    For further information, please continue reading.


    • Creators that are trusted.
    • Training that covers the fundamentals to advanced levels.
    • Students who achieve success.


    • The best ones tend to be more costly.
    • Not all options are appropriate for beginners.
    • The trainings are short.
    Built to Blog Review

    Why Listen To Us?

    The individuals in the picture are Josiah and his father, Joel.

    We are the team at Scamrisk.

    If you could spare two minutes, I would like to briefly explain the reason for writing this review.

    In early 2020, I had recently completed my college education and did not have any concrete career opportunities.

    I had a feeling that there was something else waiting for me, but I lacked a specific plan on how to attain it.

    I had a constant feeling of unease, as if I was destined for mediocrity rather than happiness and fulfillment in life.

    In any case…

    During my college years, I explored various online business ventures.

    Some commonly seen business models include MLMs, affiliate marketing, and dropshipping stores, both successful and unsuccessful ones.

    Even my dad ventured into the fascinating realm of MLMs, selling unique and unconventional items that left people wondering why they never realized they needed them.

    I set out on an epic journey to uncover the ultimate solution that would perfectly cater to my every whim and desire.

    Despite others finding success, my bank account remained disappointingly empty, with no signs of improvement.

    I conducted an extensive search.

    At some point, I came across a program that claimed to assist in generating an online income (click here to learn more about it if you’re interested).

    I did not have a strong inclination to be wealthy.

    The idea of earning a consistent $5K per month without the need for a traditional 9-to-5 job was very appealing to.

    There were individuals in the program earning high-6 and low-7 figures per year, but that was not my goal.

    I desired personal freedom and, if fortunate, the opportunity to include my family.

    After a few days and some phone calls, I was enrolled.

    The site was built in 2020 and continues to generate $1,500 per month. It is a basic 5 page website created from a template provided by the program.

    One of the highlights for me is that I get to do it all with my dad.

    A decision needs to be made.

    1. It is possible to achieve a monthly income of $5,000 to $10,000 online.
    2. The simplicity of the system to accomplish the task.
    3. I get to do it with my family.

    Discover the ultimate secret to online success: local lead generation, the unbeatable business model that guarantees big bucks!

    Building a successful business takes hard work and dedication, but beware of anyone promising a lemon-free, effortless venture!

    While I’m not insisting that you join the same program as me, I would suggest taking a look at the business model.

    This review will examine the Best Blogging Courses to determine its standing among other online business courses.

    You will determine if an online business is suitable for you.

    Finally, you will find answers to commonly asked questions about the Best Blogging Courses and online business in general.

    Additionally, you will observe the precise system that numerous individuals have utilized to establish their own online marketing enterprise, generating over $40,000 per month in predominantly passive earnings.

    This system led them to stop engaging in online businesses entirely, as it utilizes similar skills but in a significantly more impactful and lucrative manner.


    Blogging: What Is It And How Does It Work?

    Writing, photography, and other self-published material on the internet are commonly referred to as blogging.

    Blogging was originally used as an online journaling platform, but it is now widely adopted by many companies for their websites.

    Elements such as consistent updates, informal language, and reader engagement contribute to the success of blogging.

    To begin a blog, individuals require a domain name and creative content to display on it. A domain name can be acquired through purchase, and bloggers with technical expertise have the ability to construct the website.

    Platforms such as WordPress simplify the process of creating and publishing websites for individuals without HTML expertise.

    My Best Blogging Courses In 2023

    Would you like more information on starting a blog?

    These courses provide comprehensive instruction on blogging, covering everything from blog setup and writing to promotion and monetization, all in one convenient location.

    1. Built To Blog

    Creator: Ryan Robinson

    Cost: $497

    Built To Blog is a comprehensive course that consists of over 8 hours of video lectures and an additional 6 hours of interviews with top bloggers, who offer their own insights and recommendations on achieving success in blogging.

    The written material covers a wide range of topics, including establishing a blog, creating compelling content, and monetizing your blog.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • The process of starting a blog.
    • Identifying a potential market opportunity.
    • Developing an effective content marketing strategy.
    • Increasing blog traffic.
    • Ways to earn income through your blog.
    • The process of creating an email distribution list.
    • Here are some tips for initiating conversations.

    2. Blogging Masterclass: Build A Successful Blog

    Creator: Brad Merrill

    Cost: Premium Skillshare account

    The Blogging Masterclass is a course on Skillshare that focuses on blogging. It has gained a significant following with over 6000 students and offers more than eight classes, totaling over 3 hours of material.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Factors contributing to the success of a blogger.
    • The selected blogging topic.
    • Different types of blog content that are known to be effective.
    • Creating a webpage.
    • Tips for effective email marketing.

    3. Superstar Blogging

    Creator: Nomadic Matt

    Cost: $249

    Superstar Blogging is a course with an attention-grabbing name that may attract aspiring bloggers.

    In this ten-week blogging course, participants will learn the process of designing and constructing a website, creating compelling content, and optimizing their writing for search engines.

    One of the advantages of enrolling in this course is the presence of an information technology support team that is available to answer any inquiries.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • The key elements for a successful blog.
    • Developing an enduring online brand.
    • The use of email for marketing purposes.
    • Earning income through blogging.
    • The act of creating content that is appealing.
    • The process of optimizing a website.
    • The utilization of social media is widespread.

    4. Elite Blog Academy

    Creator: Ruth Soukup

    Cost: $297

    The Elite Blog Academy is designed to assist bloggers at all levels in enhancing their websites.

    Furthermore, you will gain knowledge on transforming your blog into a successful business through the exploration of different strategies and techniques.

    Furthermore, the program seeks to assist individuals in finding a company that can provide them with long-term financial stability.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Steps to start a blog.
    • Expanding your email list
    • Implementing a strategy to increase revenue.
    • Creating and marketing digital content.

    Best Blogging Courses: Beginner-Friendly Options

    Some of the blogging courses mentioned above are high-quality, but they may not be suitable for beginners. If you are new to blogging, you might find the following courses more appealing.
    Ignition (One Hour Professor)

    1. Ignition (One Hour Professor)

    Creator: OneHourProfessor

    Cost: Free

    The Ignition Start a Blog Course is designed for individuals who are new to blogging and have no previous experience.

    The course aims to provide students with all the necessary tools and knowledge to create a successful blog from start to finish.

    The course materials are sent to students via email, with a new lesson being delivered to their mailbox every day for a period of 10 days.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • The basics of blogging
    • Creating unique content.

    2. WordPress For Beginners

    Creator: Bradd Schiff

    Cost: $85

    WordPress for Beginners is a comprehensive blogging course on WordPress that covers everything from setting up your website to updating and editing it, as well as creating interactive forms. It provides all the essential tools to effectively launch your new blog.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Here are the steps to create your first blog post.
    • A guide to blogging.
    Blog Traffic Blueprint

    3. Blog Traffic Blueprint

    Creator: Jon Morrow

    Cost: $497

    SmartBlogger’s Blog Traffic Blueprint is a comprehensive blogging course that includes 26 video lessons. It provides valuable information on selecting the right traffic strategy for anyone looking to increase traffic to their blogs.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Criminal organization’s tactics
    • The formula for calculating a fan base.
    • The game is called Infiltration.
    • The technique used is called the Rocky Technique.
    • There is a traffic shortcut.

    Best Blogging Courses: Budget-Friendly And Free Alternatives

    A blogging course can be expensive, costing around a thousand dollars. It’s important to consider your financial situation. Fortunately, there are more affordable alternatives available. You can also find a free blogging course!
    Travel Blog Prosperity

    1. Travel Blog Prosperity

    Creator: Jessie on a Journey

    Cost: $49/month

    Travel Blog Prosperity is an online blogging school that offers education and support to travel and lifestyle bloggers in generating income from their blogs.

    Get ready for a package that’s bursting with value! With a 15-minute onboarding call, a monthly dose of blogging brilliance, weekly paid blogger opportunities, live coaching calls with extra special bonus events featuring guest experts, and a treasure trove of over $2200 worth of perks like brand pitch and opt-in freebie templates, you’ll be on your way to blogging success in no time!

    What You’ll Learn:

    • The process of establishing a brand.
    • Generating organic website traffic.
    • Creating a successful blog that generates income.
    • Sending emails
    • Utilizing a Search Engine Optimization strategy
    • An effective affiliate marketing plan.
    • Developing a profitable online course.

    2. Four Pillars Of Blogging (Problogger)

    Creator: Jessie on a Journey

    Cost: $49/month

    The Four Pillars of Blogging course includes multiple online blogging courses available on the ProBlogger site.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Having knowledge of various methods to generate income from your blog is important.
    • How do you identify your target audience?
    • Optimize your blog for SEO.
    • Use email marketing to grow your blog.

    3. Blogging Basics

    Creator: Theresa Christine

    Cost: Free

    It is understandable that you may not want to spend a significant amount of money initially if you are just beginning and only require the basic necessities. Ultimately, you can make a decision later on whether or not to invest in a more extensive online blogging course.

    This free blogging course provides comprehensive instruction on how to begin blogging.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • The blog has a layout.
    • The topic of discussion is content writing.
    • The activity of designing.
    • There are various blogging platforms available.
    • The basics of social media.

    4. HubSpot’s Blogging Courses

    Creator: HubSpot

    Cost: Free

    HubSpot is a well-known website for inbound marketing that offers a range of tools for marketing, sales, customer support, and CRM. It also provides different digital marketing training options, including free blogging courses.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • A guide on building a WordPress blog website using Elementor.
    • Creating a successful strategy for corporate blogging.
    • Strategies to increase growth and optimize your YouTube channel effectively.
    • Enroll in a writing course taught by bestselling author Daniel Pink.
    • There is a free certification course available in Inbound Marketing.
    • This article provides an explanation of content marketing and offers guidance on its implementation.

    Can You Write A Successful Blog With These Courses?

    Yes, it is possible.

    To write a successful and effective blog, it is important to possess qualities such as creativity, friendliness, cleverness, and uniqueness.

    There are various methods and strategies for creating a blog that differentiates itself from others.

    The blogging courses in this review can provide you with comprehensive knowledge.

    There is no doubt that these courses will assist you in beginning a successful blog.

    Final Verdict: Which Is The Best Blogging Course For Me?

    Consider trying Ryan Robinson’s Built To Blog course for detailed instruction and valuable knowledge. Ryan Robinson is the course instructor. Remember, this is just my opinion. The courses are categorized as top, beginning, and budget-friendly. The decision is yours to make.

    Best Blogging Courses Review: Is There A Scam?

    Blogging courses may not be the most effective method for building a profitable online business. There are alternative approaches that offer tangible evidence of recent success from genuine individuals.

    Are There Alternatives To These Best Blogging Courses?

    There are various other business models available if you are interested in making money online. Here are a few examples:

    • Local Lead Generation
    • Digital Leasing
    • SEO
    • Real Estate
    • Website Building

    What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money In 2023?

    Our review team has found a program in the real estate industry that is highly impressive.

    Although it is not physical property, it exists solely in the digital realm.

    Yes, Digital Leasing.

    One area where these Best Blogging Courses may not meet expectations is in terms of profitability.

    It may be unrealistic to expect significant passive income solely from focusing on mindset without taking action.

    But what if you use it to your advantage?

    With the Digital Leasing program, you can eliminate the need for manual labor.

    This skill is highly sought after by business owners.

    To complete the task, simply create and rank a website, and then send the job opportunities to a local business owner, possibly even via email.

    This applies to any type of service-based business, such as tree service, plumbing, towing, and more.

    Can you please provide information on payment methods and rates?

    After forwarding the jobs to a business owner and generating profit, you can simply propose a mutually beneficial agreement.

    A reasonable price to charge per lead, depending on the industry, is typically 10-20%. Let’s use the tree service industry as an example and consider the worst-case scenario.

    If you were to build and rank the site, you would receive an average of 20 jobs per month. The typical cost for a tree service job ranges from $500 to $2000.

    At the very least, that indicates you have an asset valued at $1000 per month.

    The term “Digital Leasing” refers to a method of making rent payments.

    One advantage is the simplicity of scaling. There is no need to answer calls; the only objective is to make the phone ring.

    Don’t forget about these recommended blogging courses and their small profit margins.

    This opportunity allows you to earn income without the need for a traditional business. It is a true form of passive income.

    The training program provides an in-depth approach to making money online. The owner guides you through the process of building and ranking a site, occasionally using voice overs when sharing his screen.

    You will learn about various aspects including the importance of keywords, website name, sending call notifications via email, backlinking, and more.

    After completing the training program, participants will have the opportunity to join a Facebook group where they can ask questions and interact with others who are on a similar journey.

    In contrast to the Best Blogging Courses, where you have to trade your time for money repeatedly, you can achieve financial freedom. Businesses always desire more leads and additional jobs. It doesn’t matter if the job doesn’t come from their website name; they view it as expanding Digital Leasing.

    In contrast to the Best Blogging Courses, a larger number of individuals have achieved financial freedom.

    Digital Leasing enables individuals to generate passive income while minimizing their time spent in physical retail spaces.

    If you have any questions, feel free to check this out for more information.

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