Clickmagick vs Voluum

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    If you require assistance with tracking link performance and optimizing your marketing or affiliate campaigns, this is the appropriate resource for you.

    This article provides an analysis of two link tracking software options, Clickmagick and Voluum, and examines their ability to generate higher quality clicks and improve campaign conversions.

    Before beginning, it is important to note that Clickmagick offers a 14-day free trial period, while Voluum does not provide a free trial period.

    What Is Clickmagick?

    Clickmagick is a web-based marketing tool that assists in enhancing campaign performance for paid ads by tracking link performance, attributing conversions accurately, and conducting A/B testing on link versions. This information can be utilized to optimize campaigns for optimal performance.

    Clickmagick utilizes three different methods to track clicks and conversions, namely Clickmagick campaigns, tracking links, and rotators. These systems can be employed for both direct and redirect tracking purposes.

    ClickMagick Home

    What Is Voluum?

    Voluum is a cloud-hosted affiliate marketing management tool that efficiently tracks all affiliate link activity, utilizes various tools for link tracking and conversion attribution, generates comprehensive reports, automates integrations, tests links, and optimizes performance.

    Voluum is the revolutionary platform that has your back, whether you’re into direct tracking or redirect tracking.

    Go For Clickmagick If:

    • You need a link tracking tool.
    • Limited budget.
    • It seems that you have started using paid advertisements.
    • It is generally recommended to limit extensive interaction with code.

    Go For Voluum If:

    • You are simply looking for an affiliate management tool.
    • It is beneficial to utilize a larger selection of affiliate platforms and networks.
    • Budget is not a significant factor to consider.
    • One can allocate time towards learning the software.
    • You have a proficiency in working with code.

    If you have a lot of experience as an affiliate, consider using Voluum.

    If you are considering Clickmagick, it offers affordability, user-friendly features, excellent customer support, and caters to a wide range of marketing needs, including affiliate marketing. Even if you are new to affiliate marketing and have a small number of links to track, Clickmagick is a recommended option for you.

    Feature Comparison Between Clickmagick and Voluum

    Quality Of Different Tracking Modes

    CM Tracking
    Voluum - Tracking

    Redirect Tracking

    Unlock the power of redirect tracking! While not entirely in line with platforms like google ads, dare to push the boundaries with Voluum and Clickmagick, who both embrace its potential.

    Discover the magic of Clickmagick’s redirect tracking with their incredible “Clickmagick tracking links”. Perfect for those seeking simple tracking solutions.

    Setting up a link in Clickmagick is a straightforward process that involves going to the Links section, creating a new link, and filling in the necessary details under the “basic” tab.

    The primary URL is a crucial piece of information for creating a link, as it directs visitors to the designated page after clicking on the tracking link. Clickmagick simplifies the setup process by automatically generating all other necessary details.

    Voluum facilitates redirect tracking by redirecting visitors to Voluum servers. In this process, Voluum gathers information about the click, places a cookie in the visitor’s browser, and subsequently guides the visitor to a destination URL. The frequency of this process happening in a campaign is determined by the number of offers or landing pages set.

    Winner: both

    Both Voluum and Clickmagick have the capability to support redirect tracking.

    Direct Tracking

    Direct tracking addresses the challenges of redirectless tracking by improving response times and efficiently monitoring organic traffic. Additionally, it is compatible with various ad platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

    Both Voluum and Clickmagick offer direct tracking capabilities, although they do so in different ways.

    Clickmagick provides users with the ability to create and incorporate UTM parameters into their URLs, which helps in tracking complete sales funnels. UTM parameters are widely used by companies like Facebook and Google for monitoring campaigns.

    In addition, Clickmagick campaigns use first-party tracking cookies on your domain, which is considered a more secure and preferred option compared to using third-party cookies.

    First-party cookies are created to improve user experience on your website, while third-party cookies from other websites collect visitor data for advertising purposes.

    Additionally, users have the choice to delete first-party cookies, whereas the same cannot be done for third-party cookies. Consequently, by utilizing first-party cookies, Clickmagick aids in addressing users’ privacy concerns.

    In order to begin with campaigns, it is necessary to create two types of tracking codes.

    • To properly track clicks on your landing pages, it is necessary to add a click tracking code.
    • Please add a conversion tracking code to your “thank you” pages.

    The code generated should be pasted into the HTML of each page you wish to track.

    Please provide the necessary information for building the UTM URL, including the campaign landing page URL, traffic source, campaign medium, and campaign name.

    When creating UTM URLs, it is important to always use your intended campaign landing page as the generated URL will direct users to that page.

    Clickmagick campaigns can be used to track various types of traffic. Additionally, these campaigns can be safely utilized on all ad platforms, including Instagram, which does not allow redirect links.

    What is the comparison between Voluum’s direct tracking and others?

    To build direct tracking links in Voluum, it is necessary to complete a series of steps which involve adding an offer, a traffic source, and a landing page.

    Adding each of these requires multiple steps and a significant amount of time. However, Voluum offers comprehensive help materials to assist you throughout the process, making it difficult to feel lost or overwhelmed.

    There are two ways to create tracking links for link building.

    • Please provide direct links to the landing page and the offer.
    • To access the offer, kindly click on the provided link.

    Once the task is completed, you can paste the generated codes onto the designated pages (either the offer page or the landing page) to finish your work.

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Voluum can be utilized for direct tracking, however, the process of establishing a tracking link can be time-consuming and involves multiple steps. In terms of user-friendliness, Clickmagick is my preferred option in this regard.

    CM - PPC

    PPC Campaigns

    Both Clickmagick and Voluum support pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. PPC is an acronym for pay-per-click, which is a paid marketing strategy used to drive traffic to blogs or offers.

    On Clickmagick, users have the ability to create pay-per-click campaigns on various advertising platforms such as google ads, Facebook ads, and Microsoft ads. The platform offers the option to set up campaigns in a similar manner as other PPC advertising platforms, including the ability to perform tasks specific to google ads.

    Keyword tracking is enabled through the use of the {keyword} token, allowing Clickmagick to generate reports for each defined keyword.

    Cost medium encompasses various types of costs in advertising, including CPC, CPA, and CPM.

    Voluum seamlessly integrates with popular traffic sources like Google ads and Facebook, simplifying the setup and management of ppc campaigns on these platforms.

    Winner: both

    Both of these link tracking tools are capable of effectively tracking PPC campaigns. However, it is important to note that in order to run a campaign with Voluum, you must first integrate it with a traffic source. This additional step may lengthen the process, but ultimately, the outcome will remain unchanged: you will still be able to track your campaigns.

    Organic Traffic

    Voluum allows for the tracking of organic traffic in campaigns by activating a direct tracking URL. However, it should be noted that organic traffic does not trigger the activation of a direct tracking URL.

    To accurately monitor organic traffic on Voluum, it is necessary to incorporate a modified script into your landing page that records traffic originating from search engines.

    In Voluum, it is possible to create both paid and organic campaigns to run simultaneously. This can be done by defining one campaign as paid and the other as organic, allowing you to use the same offers and landers.

    There are additional steps involved in this process, such as updating a campaign ID and considering whether to use direct tracking with the paid method, but these details are beyond the scope of this review.

    Currently, it is possible to track organic traffic with Voluum, and the process is relatively straightforward.

    Now let’s turn our attention to Clickmagick.

    Get ready to have your mind blown by Clickmagick’s incredible ability to track organic traffic, like a sneaky secret agent infiltrating your website or funnel without any annoying UTM parameters. Buckle up for an exhilarating journey!

    Clickmagick, the ultimate tracking tool, focuses solely on the power of paid ads, leaving organic traffic in the dust.

    Unlock the power of Clickmagick and unleash the potential of your organic traffic! Simply enable the click tracking code, located in the Campaign dashboard under tools > website code > tracking code > track organic links > yes. Copy the link generated and paste it onto your landing page or offer page. Voila! Watch as your unplanned traffic comes to life before your very eyes.

    Winner: Both

    Both Clickmagick and Voluum offer tracking capabilities for organic traffic.

    Conversion Tracking

    Conversion tracking provides information about campaign performance, such as the number of people who have opted in or made a purchase. It is possible to enable conversion tracking on both Voluum and Clickmagick.

    Voluum utilizes two methods for tracking conversions:

    • The server-to-server post back URL is a method of “cookieless tracking” that tracks conversions by using a unique click ID generated by Voluum and shared with the affiliate network.
    • This method uses cookies to track users by embedding the ID in the cookie.
    • Post back URLs and tracking pixels have different triggers – post back URLs are triggered on the affiliate network side and not on the browser.
    • Voluum suggests utilizing post back URLs for conversion tracking as they offer increased reliability and security. Additionally, server to server tracking allows affiliate marketers to accurately attribute link performance to their campaigns.
    • However, be cautious as those pesky affiliate platforms may impose annoying limitations that could hinder your decision-making process.
    • Discover the magic of conversion tracking on Clickmagick! Seamlessly track your conversions by creating and embedding tracking pixels into your website or sales funnel. It’s like sprinkling digital fairy dust to uncover the secrets of success!
    • Building pixels in Clickmagick is a straightforward process. After selecting the pixel builder option in the tools menu, you will be prompted to provide necessary information.
    1. You have the option to track sales, actions, and engagements for the event you are interested in.
    2. Please provide the link for the conversion you want to attribute.
    3. You may choose to track duplicate conversions or not.

    After completing this step, the link will be generated on the same page. Once you paste the link, your funnel will be configured to track conversions. It’s a straightforward process to set up.

    Winner: Voluum

    Voluum utilizes two distinct methods for tracking conversions, whereas Clickmagick solely relies on Pixel tracking.

    Retargeting Feature Effectiveness

    Retargeting is an effective method for increasing conversions, but the traditional approach may have limitations. Voluum and Clickmagick offer enhanced retargeting options and introduce new strategies for reaching your audience.

    Clickmagick allows you to enhance your retargeting efforts by adding retargeting pixels to your tracking links, including on affiliate promotions and third party sites. Typically, pixels can only be placed on sites that you control or promote.

    Retargeting on Voluum occurs by integrating with campaign management tools. By utilizing Automizer, Voluum’s automation tool, you can maximize the benefits of these integrations through efficient rule-based retargeting.

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Integrating with other marketing tools can enhance the capabilities of Voluum, but certain integrations may come at a high cost. However, with Clickmagick, you can retarget traffic without relying on any integrations.

    Bot Blocking and Other Automations

    Fraudulent and invalid clicks can have negative impacts on tracking ad clicks, leading to distorted statistics and lost revenue.

    Fortunately, both Voluum and Clickmagick have their own tools for addressing this issue.

    Voluum utilizes the anti-fraud kit to address and prevent bot traffic.

    Before I explain the contents of this kit, I would like to share Team Voluum’s perspective on the issue of bot traffic. According to them, it is challenging to identify and eliminate invalid traffic solely based on one behavior type, as it may not be unique to non-human traffic. Therefore, any attempts to identify invalid traffic must consider various metrics that could potentially indicate non-human traffic.

    Voluum has developed six tools to address suspicious behaviors. One of these tools is the time-to-convert metric, which measures the speed at which traffic converts. If the conversion speed is too fast or too slow, it is flagged as non-human behavior. Another tool is honeypot, which is a trap set for bots, as it cannot be triggered by humans.

    The accuracy of Voluum’s bot-blocking methods is uncertain, but Clickmagick has high confidence in the 99.9% accuracy of their proprietary click auditing system.

    In contrast to Voluum, the Clickmagick team asserts that they have a solid understanding of how to detect and capture bad bots. According to them, legitimate bots are able to identify themselves, while they are able to identify and catch the malicious bots, content scrapers, and other automated processes that attempt to impersonate legitimate web browsers.

    This is why Clickmagick uses a simpler approach to bot blocking.

    ClickMagick’s auditing system operates differently on ClickMagick campaigns, tracking links, and rotators. Campaign auditing utilizes click shield, while tracking links and rotators employ bot detection and categorizes suspicious click activity as “flagged clicks.”

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Clickmagick’s 99.9% accuracy levels and its simple approach to the bot traffic problem make it the clear winner for me.

    How Many Events Available At Each Pricing Tier?

    Clickmagick offers three different pricing plans:

    Starter: This is the entry plan. The monthly cost for this plan is $69. It allows for tracking up to 10,000 clicks per month, unlimited conversions, and includes 1 funnel project. This plan may be suitable for beginners who want to familiarize themselves with the system before considering an upgrade.

    Standard: This is ClickMagick’s mid-level tier. The plan costs $149 per month and includes tracking up to 100,000 clicks, unlimited conversions, and 5 funnel projects. It offers additional features such as cross-device tracking, offline conversion tracking, and the option to have 3 team members assist you. This plan is a significant upgrade from the starter package.

    Pro: The pro plan goes for $299 per month, and is designed for larger businesses. This plan offers the ability to track up to 1 million clicks per month, as well as unlimited perks such as funnels, conversions, team members, and custom domains. Additionally, it provides a completely “done-for-you” setup option.

    Indeed, there is no need for any effort when paying such a high price for software.

    The prices offered are reasonable considering the value received.

    One potential drawback is that none of these plans offer unlimited data retention. Even the pro plan only includes a 2-year data retention period. However, let’s now examine how Voluum compares.

    Voluum Pricing

    Voluum also offers 3 main price plans, plus a custom plan if none of these groups meet your needs. Here are the main plans:

    Scale: $349/ month.

    The plan offers various tracking capabilities, including limitless conversion tracking and post back tracking. However, it has limitations such as only allowing 3 custom domains, tracking up to 3 million events, and not offering multiple users, an anti-fraud kit, or a traffic log.

    This plan has fewer features compared to Clickmagick’s standard plan.

    Profit: $199.

    The plan allows for tracking up to 1 million events, 1 custom domain, and provides 3 months of data retention. Clickmagick’s starter plan, on the other hand, offers 2 custom domains and 6 months of data retention.

    Start- Up: $599.

    In this tier, you will have access to all of Voluum’s tracking, reporting, and automation tools. However, Clickmagick’s pro plan surpasses Voluum’s top tier.

    Voluum offers 10 million events and 5 custom domains, while Clickmagick offers unlimited events and custom domains.

    Furthermore, Voluum provides a data retention period ranging from 3 months to 12 months, making Clickmagick’s 2-year data retention appear more appealing.

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Clickmagick is a top performer at every level, offering competitive pricing and a wide range of features.

    How Easy Is Each Software To Learn?

    Both Voluum and Clickmagick, like any other software, require some learning and testing before becoming comfortable with setting campaigns and link tracking. However, the learning curve is steeper on Voluum.

    When logging into Voluum, the UI is streamlined and everything is easily accessible. However, Clickmagick has fewer menu options and requires toggling drop down menus to find what you need. Compare below:

    The main dashboard of Voluum is located at Voluum.

    As you gain more experience with the tools, you’ll notice that Voluum becomes more intricate, while Clickmagick is known for its straightforwardness in completing tasks.

    Although the webinar onboarding is helpful, there is still a substantial amount of time needed to complete the setup process in Voluum.

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Clickmagick is user-friendly and efficient, as it requires minimal upfront information for campaign setup, pixel building, and link tracking. Its automated features expediate the setup process and reduce the likelihood of errors.

    Support Available

    Voluum Support

    Customer support is an important factor that can have a significant impact on the success of a software product. Fortunately, both Clickmagick and Voluum have reliable customer support systems in place.

    • The Clickmagick customer support system includes the following components:
    • Get started with our amazing starter plan, complete with essential online support!
    1. For the standard and pro plans:
    2. 2-Hour Helpdesk support
    3. Fanatical Live Chat support
    4. 1-On-1 Onboarding Call
    5. “I’m Stuck!” Phone Support
    6. Paid Traffic Courses

    Pro plan users also receive support that is taken care of for them.

    Voluum’s customer support system consists of the following components:

    • The discover plan includes group onboarding and a Q&A session, the profit plan offers dedicated onboarding, and the grow plan provides personal onboarding.
    • The help desk support offers query resolution within different time frames depending on the plan: 24 hours for the discover plan, 12 hours for the profit plan, and 4 hours for the grow plan.
    • Account management is available for an additional fee with the Grow plan.

    Winner: Clickmagick

    Clickmagick offers multiple customer support channels and their dedication to providing exceptional support is highly valued.

    Reporting Features

    CM - Reporting

    Both Voluum and Clickmagick provide comprehensive reports and dashboards for analyzing tracked data.

    Voluum organizes its reports into categories.

    • Global reports consist of a combination of general and specific data collected from multiple campaigns.
    • Specific reports offer the chance to thoroughly examine, investigate, analyze, and optimize a particular area.

    Users have the ability to generate reports on various aspects, such as campaigns, offers, landers, conversions, and affiliate networks. Additionally, reports can be filtered by country or device.

    Clickmagick provides comprehensive reports that encompass various parameters and are user-friendly. The ability to track trends over time by toggling a data point facilitates quick analysis. Additionally, users can access specific data ranges and view metrics in both table and graphical formats.

    To access specific reports, simply click on any of the data points and select the desired report from the reports icon.

    Winner: Both

    Both platforms offer an impressive range of analysis and reports that are easy to follow.

    Integrations Available

    Voluum and Clickmagick offer a wide range of features, and additional benefits can be obtained through the integration of complementary tools.

    Both tools can be integrated.

    • The sources of traffic.
    • Unlock the power of social media platforms!
    • Affiliate networks are a type of marketing system.
    • Google Analytics is a tracking system.

    The integration tools on Clickmagick are distinct from those on Voluum.

    In Clickmagick, users can generate a post back URL to integrate with their affiliate and PPC networks, enabling seamless data transfer between Clickmagick and their advertising tool.

    The integration process may vary slightly depending on the tool you are using, but you can find all the necessary help material in the “Learn” and “knowledge base” sections in Clickmagick.

    Voluum offers the ability to integrate a wide range of tools across various categories through two methods.

    • The Automizer allows for complete integration by utilizing an API connection.
    • Integration templates are used to pass information through HTTP requests by utilizing tokens.

    Voluum’s documentation section contains useful information on how to use these two methods, which will be helpful during the setup process.

    Winner: Voluum

    Voluum offers the ability to integrate with a wide range of tools and platforms.

    What Tools Are Available On Clickmagick and Not On Voluum

    • UTM parameters are used for tracking purposes.
    • Link rotators are used to redirect links.
    • Optimize your audience.
    • Live Chat support is excellent.
    • Phone Support for when you’re stuck.
    • Installation is taken care of for you.
    • Multiple domains without any limits.
    • Track conversions offline.
    • Tracking across devices.

    What Tools Are Available On Voluum and Not On Clickmagick

    • Templates for affiliate networks.
    • Callout scripts that are dynamic.
    • The post back url for server to server communication.
    • The product is called Automizer.
    • An artificial intelligence system is used to distribute traffic.


    Voluum is a valuable tool for scaling your affiliate marketing efforts. While it may require some time and effort to learn, the investment will be worth it since Voluum is specifically designed for affiliate marketing.

    If you have a limited budget, it is recommended to start with Clickmagick. Additionally, Clickmagick is a suitable choice for general marketers.

    ClickMagick and Voluum Comparison – FAQs

    1- What Is Voluum Tracking?

    The Voluum conversion tracking is a method used to monitor your earnings from affiliate marketing. It operates through a unique Voluum direct tracking link that is provided after signing up. This tracking link allows you to monitor your sales and performance, ensuring the success of your campaigns.

    Voluum is an affiliate marketing tracking tool that allows users to monitor the performance of their campaigns, optimize them, and improve their affiliate business. Voluum tracking provides the necessary data to analyze performance and make necessary adjustments for marketing growth.

    2- Is Clickmagick Worth The Money?

    ClickMagick is often considered a good investment due to its affordability and advanced features compared to Voluum in the ClickMagick vs Voluum comparison. Additionally, it offers comprehensive tracking capabilities.

    • Tracking phone sales.
    • Tracking across devices.
    • Track all your sales.
    • Include tracking links or URLs.
    • Search without limits using your own domain.
    • Track conversions for any goal or sale.

    ClickMagick offers features such as automated split testing, advanced geotargeting, and mobile optimization. It provides options for sharing stats, filtering bots, importing/exporting data, and monitoring clicks for potential fraud. Whether you’re looking to promote affiliate links, sell products, or both, ClickMagick is a software worth considering.

    3- What Are The Features And Benefits Of Clickmagick?

    ClickMagick is a software that allows marketers to create targeted ads on various social media platforms and search engines. It offers an easy-to-use interface and provides numerous useful features, making it a cost-effective and affordable option for managing campaigns.

    ClickMagick offers a range of tools for creating and scheduling ads on social media platforms. It also includes built-in features, such as tracking click-through rates, which are crucial for measuring campaign success.

    One limitation of ClickMagick is that it does not provide ad management tools for creating and adjusting campaigns on various social media platforms, unlike Voluum.

    4- What is Voluum DSP vs Voluum?

    Voluum DSP is a data management platform that assists business owners in the management of their online marketing campaigns. It offers data insights to the owners, including information on viewership of their ads, content consumption, and duration of engagement.

    Voluum offers tracking codes that can be utilized for website analytics, allowing you to monitor the fluctuations in your web traffic.

    ClickMagick is a tool that provides a detailed analysis of popular sites on the internet to measure advertisement performance.

    Voluum is a data management platform that assists business owners in effectively managing their online marketing campaigns. It offers valuable “data insights” to owners regarding their ad viewers and the content they are consuming.

    5- Which Are The Best Ads Tracking Tools?

    Both ClickMagick and Voluum are highly regarded ad tracking tools that offer comprehensive data analysis to their clients. ClickMagick focuses on analyzing popular online content, while Voluum provides valuable insights into ad viewership, content consumption, and ad performance.

    ClickMagick is a comprehensive data management platform that aims to enhance the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns through a focus on insights rather than clicks. This all-in-one solution includes features such as tracking and optimizing social media marketing campaigns.

    Voluum is a data analytics platform utilized by digital marketers to analyze and optimize their marketing campaigns, providing actionable insights.

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