The Ultimate Branding Course, is it a new MRR scam? Or is it actually worth it? I have to admit, this is the 5th master resell rights product I’ve heard of in the past few months. It’s starting to feel like everyone is just recycling the original course, rebranding it, and reselling it.
However, I ended up purchasing the UBC program. In this Ultimate Branding Course review, I’ll explain why I did, who would benefit from it, and hopefully you’ll know by the end of this video if it’s right for you.

The Ultimate Branding Course: What is it?
If you’ve heard of this program, then you’ve no doubt heard of the other similar programs like the the Roadmap to Riches, Simply Passive, or LEPO and LEPO Max. There are probably many more too that I haven’t named, but you get the gist of what I’m trying to say.
So what makes this one so special, and why would someone consider getting it, and further more why did I purchase it?
The answer is actually very simple!
After going through the Roadmap to Riches course, I realised this was a great course teaching you how to make and sell digital products. The training was very broad and generalised for digital marketing as a whole, perfect for beginners!
Which was kind of also the problem…
Why the Ultimate Branding Course is different
There was SO much information in the platform, that to get through it and make an impact would take a very long time. While it does touch on a lot of areas in digital marketing, it would take forever to be a master of them all.
That’s where UBC comes in.
Unlike these other programs, the UBC course focuses mainly on Personal Branding, and Social Media. Instead of a bit of everything, it is actionable training on only a few areas, in hope that you master them.
Who created the Ultimate Branding Course?
There are multiple hosts inside of this course. Dray Mijatovic (@digital.dray)is the main creator of the program, and is the one that you will see on the live calls, on majority of the videos, and on any important updates.
Other UBC hosts include Cassie Gauthier, Claritza Vargas, Isabella Ocampo, Isabella Mendez, Barbara Müller, Jasmine Elizabeth, and Violeta Chaparro.
Who will benefit from UBC?
The answer is really simple. If you are someone who wants to build a social media brand (personal or faceless) and learn how to attract and convert viewers into customers, then this is for you.
It’s the step-by-step instructions to mimic what highly successful Instagrammers are doing, to create your own success in your business.
While the other courses do touch on these, this course is hyper focused and goes into immense detail on how to present yourself, the types of content you need to be creating, how to edit your content, and what you should be saying.
In other words, this is perfect for people wanting to their Social Media as a lead and sales generating machine.
What is MRR and does UBC have include it?
MRR stands for Master Resell Rights, and if you purchase the Ultimate branding course, you’ll also have the ability to resell the program too. As apart of my bonus bundle, I’ll give you the required resources to get setup with less than 1 hour so you’re ready to take payments and resell on autopilot.
Do I need to resell this program?
No, you do not. After going through the course personally, I know it will be perfect for growing your own audience, and also for driving traffic to any product you sell or promote.
What’s inside UBC?
The entire UBC experience is hosted on the platform which is one of the best platforms of 2024. This is perfect for memberships, coaching, and courses.
Once you join the Ultimate Branding Course, you’ll receive instructions to request to join the Skool group, and you’ll have to submit your invoice to the email provided. Once verified, you’ll have full access to the community, classroom (course content), live calls, and more.
One of the unique things about this program, is the trainers can speak multiple languages. This allows them to offer all of the calls, course modules, and community in different languages.
Languages include English, Spanish, Dutch, and French.

UBC Community
Inside of the community tab, you’ll be able to be able to post, scroll and see what others are posting, and also comment and engage on others posts too.
There is also sections for testimonials and announcements, so there is plenty to scroll through.

UBC Live Calls
Each week there is a number of live calls that you can attend. With this membership platform, all you need to do is see which is available, click on the slot and you’ll be given a link to join the live Zoom call.
There are multiple calls in different languages too, making it suitable for all parts of the world.

The Ultimate Branding Course contents
At the time of writing this article, there are 24 modules inside of the course, with multiple videos inside of each. While this sounds daunting, the videos are majority very small (5-10 minutes long) so it makes it much more bite sized and digestible.

Module 1: Welcome to UBC
This first module is just a short one introducing you to the platform, the weekly calls, how to navigate around, and what to expect inside of the UBC program.

Module 2: Funnel Building
Once you get to module 2, that’s when it’s time to implement the training. In this training, you’ll learn how to setup your own sales funnel so you can resell the Ultimate Branding Course with the Master Resell Rights you acquired.
To be honest, the funnel they provide is average at best, so I’ve actually rebuild a custom version of the UBC funnel and I’m giving it as apart of the bonus package I give to those who join through me.
Inside of the UBC funnel, you’ll have a sales page that has an optin popup, checkout pages, thank you pages, and all of your legal pages required.
Note: You may have to adjust the legal information provided to suit your countries requirements. What they provide is generic.
There is also training on how to setup a Stan Store if you’re prefer to market using that, and also other options for funnels like the webinar funnel.

Module 3: High Quality Branding
What you will learn in this module is probably going to be one of the most impactful, at least for me anyway. Inside of this training you’ll learn how you should be presenting and positioning yourself, so when someone finds you online, they know exactly what you’re about and where you’re going.
One of the things people always miss when trying to build a large social following, is the structure actually required to get traction and become successful.
These are the things you will learn about in the HQ Branding classes.

Module 4: How to Launch
Worried you won’t know how to start your social media content? This module will teach you how to prepare your new personal brand and social media account ready for content. You’ll also prepare and plan your content ahead as well as any promotions coming up.
It’s the perfect module to know what’s coming up and how to manage everything.

Module 5: Instagram
One of the biggest platforms you’ll see people getting the most success in is Instagram. Their recent algorithm changes have given users who use Reels a massive reach increase, resulting in audience growth and consistent traffic boosts.
As Instagram has known to change it’s algorithms periodically, it’s one of those situations where you can jump in, grow massive now, then have a massive audience for the future. You don’t want to sleep on this one!

Module 6: Tiktok
Similar to Instagram, Tiktok uses short-form content to keep it’s viewers engaged, however, Tiktok and Instagram play very different games.
Almost everyone I’ve seen online recommends that you use Tiktok to get viral growth, then move those viewers over to Instagram for conversions. With the ability to still go viral so easily in Tiktok, it’s still a huge opportunity for fast growth for those willing to take it.

Module 7: Content Creation
If content has been your biggest fear with building an online brand, then this module will teach you about how you can create your own unique style, how to create pillar posts, and how to batch create content.
While the previous modules talk about the specific platforms, their algorithms, what they favor, etc. This module is all about actually creating your style of content.

Module 8: Email Marketing
The email marketing module is I have to admit isn’t the most comprehensive, but it has a decent enough amount of training that will teach you how to create emails, and build email automation campaigns.
This may actually be one of the downfalls of the program, but they more focus on the front end versus the backend sales.

Module 9: Attraction Marketing
Attraction marketing is a term used a lot in the personal development and also in the network marketing space. This concept basically teaches you how to create content that either resonates with people, speaks to people, provides value, entertains or gives credibility using content.
These types of posts will build rapport with your audience and most of the time make them want to learn more about you, the perfect way to increase your lead generation.

Module 10: Being Efficient
The being efficient module is a great one for those with time constraints. It goes through how you should be mass producing and batching your content, so you can stay consistent with posting, but spend only a day, week, or even month creating the actual content.
This is a good one for those starting from scratch, as it’ll engrain good habits right from the get go.

Module 11: How to Stay Organised
While the last module was about batch creating content, this one is about organising your content calendar, if you host calls with your audience / clients, it’ll also show you how you can manage all of your calls and appointments.
This is a refreshing module for those solopreneurs who have never been taught how organise their time and prioritise important tasks.

Module 12: Beginner Instagram Reels
Now it’s time to get into the really exciting part, which is Beginner Instagram Reels. If you have been living under a rock, you should know that Instagram Reels are insanely viral right now. In fact, the majority of Social Media creators are focusing on driving all of their other Social Media channels and directing them to their Instagram.
This is mainly because the algorithm right now is favoring Instagram Reels, with Instagram you can add your link in stories, posts, reels, DM’s, etc without having a minimum amount of followers. IG also allows you to have long descriptions for your captions, and for those tech savvy marketers, you can also use tools like Manychat to automate DM replies or comment to DM messages!
All of these things combined makes Instagram Reels the best platform to get started for fast growth and monetisation.

Module 13: Editing with VLLO
The next module is all about editing your content with a new app I’d never heard of before this course, called VLLO.
It looks like a powerful app that hosts features like easy trimming and stitching, effects, adding voiceovers, overlays, etc.
I personally haven’t used it, but it looks like it could save a lot of time when creating content.

Module 14: Editing with Capcut
Capcut has become the OG video editing software for all on Tiktok and Instagram. In the UBC module of Capcut, they’ll show you how to quickly add captions, add text on video, add photos, video on video, glitches, other effects, and more.
With this training, you’ll go from a beginner to creating content worthy of charging as a service.

Module 15: Creating Value videos
Creating Value Videos are types of content that will spark curiosity, rapport, and trust with your audience.
It’s important to create value video within your social channels, because you want your audience to know who you are, what you believe in, know what your goal is and know you’re working towards it.
If anything, it’s inspiration for others showing them that they can also achieve their goals and dreams if they put in the work.

Module 16: MRR Mastery
MRR Mastery could be a mini course on it’s own. What you’ll learn inside of here is how to create a social account, what to post, and how to attract the perfect audience to sell Master Resell Rights products to.
One of main points they remind you about is the vanity metrics. Don’t worry about the amount of followers you have, instead, focus on the engagement you receive.

Module 17: Faceless Marketing
This is for me the holy grail in modules. After doing some research online, Faceless Marketing has become one of the hottest new ways to grow a social audience online.
There are accounts with hundreds and thousands of followers, and they’re getting crazy amounts of traffic and conversions within their business. This is insane considering they never show their face, their families face, or anything too intimate in their life.
Talk about the perfect type of personal branding marketing strategy, without being too personal!

Module 18: Beauty Business Branding
Backing off the intial modules in this course, the beauty branding module is going to teach you how to make your personal brand pop pop.
Simple but powerful features like attractive profile highlights, content pillars, professional logo’s, and business cards, will help you go from a newbie into a business professional.
Beauty business branding may sound more catered towards females, but can be implemented for both males and females.

Module 19: Mindset for a Successful Business
A great module especially for beginners, is the mindset module. The point of this is to let you know what you are most likely going to face mentally when creating content online.
The easiest way to explain it would be from nervous, insecure, and unsure to confident, consistent and on the growth path.
If you’re ever feeling lost, this module will set you straight.

Module 20: Selling Online
One of the reasons I purchased this course was so I could get better selling online with Social Media. This module teaches exactly that.
In this training series, you’ll learn about the power of story telling. Some of the concepts you’ll learn about is transformational story selling versus transactional story, which I believe is one of the most important things selling online.
It’s not about selling the product or features, it’s about selling what the product will do for you.

Module 21: Daily Method of Operations
One of the nice modules to see was the Daily Method of Operations. I’m the kind of person where if I’ve been away from the computer for a while, I forget what I was doing last or what I should be focusing on.
With this daily method of operations, you’ll have simple instructions you should be focusing on each day, so if you just do these as a minimum, you’ll know your business is still moving forward.

Module 22: Affiliate Program
To be honest, this module doesn’t really fit in with anything. It’s kind of confusing, however, I guess it’s still beneficial.
What you’ll learn in the Affiliate Program module is how to create your own program inside of Systeme. This isn’t necessary to complete if you don’t sell your own products, it’s just there if you ever need it.

Module 23: How to Use ChatGPT
Interestingly, they’ve added in a ChatGPT training. It’s only a single training at the moment, and interestingly, it’s for adding in captions!
The point of using ChatGPT for captions is using a caption you think is average, and getting AI to rewrite it into a caption that could appeal to different audiences.
While I haven’t tried this yet, it’ll be something I’ll get into once I’ve launched my own brand.

Module 24: Digital Product Creation
If you’ve ever wanted to create your own digital product, but don’t know where to start, this module is just for you.
Inside this module, you’ll learn everything about the research phase, which helps you validate if the idea is right for the market. You’ll also learn fast ways to create the content for your course.
Then of course, you’ll learn the best ways to build systems to sell your course and deliver it on autopilot

Module 25: Live Call Recordings
One of the more interesting modules to add is the live call recordings. While this isn’t exactly themed, it’ll be really interesting to see the initial calls versus that 6 months or a year after launching.
No doubt there will be some pretty epic testimonials, transformations, and success stories appearing within the community.

Ultimate Branding Course Review: Final Thoughts
After going through the Roadmap to Riches and jumping into the world of Master Resell Rights (MRR), I’ve seen first hand that this is one of the evolutionary steps of digital marketing.
The UBC course is one of the more exciting courses I’ve been through recently as you basically get the nitty gritty of what actually is working and what will help you succeed online. No theories, no maybes. It’s raw and it’s exciting!
With the MRR rights attached, it’s only a matter of time before this course gets massive.
Would I recommend this course?
Yes. I do. It provides training and resources that most are too scared to teach or keep to themselves. There is also the great master resell rights opportunity attached to it so you can use what you learn and have something to sell on the backend.
Ready to get started? Join here and get my exclusive bonuses
My Exclusive UBC Bonuses
As a thank you to those who want to support my work, I’m giving you additional resources to help compliment the UBC program. These helped me generate over $20k+ in the Roadmap to Riches with little effort, so no doubt they’ll help you too.
Want to see the full breakdown? Check out all of my Ultimate Branding Course bonuses
Bonus 1: Custom Resell Funnel Kit (Value $197)
Since I decided to resell the Roadmap to Riches course, I went and built a fully custom sales funnel complete with automations and emails. It took a solid few days to build, and is converting really well. I’ll be giving this entire funnel system.
Bonus 2: Custom Email Campaigns ($147)
One of the most neglected part of any marketing campaign is the email follow up series. I can see why though, as creating an email series can take a serious amount of time to create.
That’s why I’ve created a generic email series you can install with 1-click into your marketing funnel, so you can follow up with your leads, without the stress of writing emails!
Bonus 3: Fast Start Setup Tutorials ($97)
The UBC program is not bad at teaching you how to setup your marketing assets so you can resell the UBC program, however, I believe I can teach you much better, and faster!
In fact, inside of my fast start setup tutorials, I teach you how to go from nothing setup, to being completely finished within 30 minutes. Imagine being able to start selling and taking payments 30 minutes from now! That’s what this training show you how to do.
Bonus 4: My SEO Traffic Training ($497)
I’m still unsure why I decided to throw this bonus in, however, if you’re reading this then it’s still available. This training will show you how I create articles and videos for YouTube and Google that attract buyers into my business on autopilot.
The strategy alone brings in 99% of all my businesses traffic and has resulted in over 25k in MRR profit, and over 500k in sales with affiliate marketing.
It’s short, sweet, and will educate you on how simple it can be.
Bonus 5: Support From Me ($497)
If you decide to resell this program, I or my team will be available to message on Instagram, Facebook and email to help you with any issues. This can include but not limited to screen sharing videos, zoom calls, special training videos, etc.
Bonus 6: Use My Bonus As Yours ($497)
After previous MRR experiments, I’ve found offering a bonus can help you increase your sales, by increase the value of purchasing through you. The only problem is making a bonus can take a long time, luckily, I’ve implemented a way you can offer my entire bonus, as your own!
Total value: $1,923.
You’re free if you join through me.
Ready to start your journey? Let’s go!
Frequently Asked Questions
The Ultimate Branding Course is a program focusing on building a personal brand on Social Media, building a funnel marketing system, building your social media audience, and converting those followers into sales. Currently there is 24 modules inside of the program, and it also includes a community, live weekly calls, and more.
There is a minimum resale value of $499 in place, however, resellers are able to sell it for any price they wish above that.
The Ultimate Branding Course mainly focuses on teaching you how to build a personal brand, create a social media presence, grow your audience, and convert that audience into sales. It's a fast paced course perfect for those looking for fast results.
This program is definitely legit. It's a regular course with community ran by women in the network marketing industry. There may be some resellers promoting it in a scam type of way, however, it's no connection to the course.
After purchasing the course, you will have a series of instructions on the checkout success page to get started with the program. These are the steps to join:
- Request to join the group
- Forward your receipt to the email address provided on the page
Requests can take up to 24 hours for approval, however, most are done within 2 hours.
There are no results promised to any of the courses students. Instead, this is a course dedicated on teaching you skills that others are using to generate results. Your results will depend on how close you follow the course, the type of content you create, your consistency, and dedication to building your brand. Everyone's results will vary.
Simple answer, no. Affiliate marketing is when you join an affiliate program, and receive a tracking link linked to you, that once someone clicks on and purchases any products using your link, will be attributed to you. You then receive a commission for your efforts usually paid out within 30-60 days after purchase.
Master Resell Rights however, is when you take up front payment from your audience. This is instantly added to your linked payment gateways, and then you direct your customers to the MRR creators program.
Yes. There are many different licenses you can purchase for other peoples products including PLR which is the most common. MRR has been around for a very long time and will continue to do so.
There are currently 24 modules inside of the UBC program.
Due to the nature of the license rights, there are strictly no refunds.
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees for success. Your success will be determined by the actions you take from what is taught in the course, your consistency, and dedication to optimise your efforts.